BSc(Hons) Business Management
Awarded by Canterbury Christ Church University , UK
You will have received a sound and relevant educational foundation for a range of professional careers in industry, commerce, the service sector, and self-employment.
BSc(Hons) Business Management (Top-up)
Canterbury Christ Church University

Awarded by
Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Delivered by
Westford University College
Study mode
Online - Distance Learning
2 stages
12 months
No. of modules
Assessment Method
All assignments
Start date
All year round
Course Overview
The programs offered at CCCU develop in you an understanding of both the national and global dimensions of business management offers you a contemporary and future-orientated analysis of the significant changes impacting the global business environment.
The programs will equip you with the necessary tools for the critical evaluation of contemporary business systems, enabling you to embark on a career in your chosen field of business.
Progression Pathway
Stage 1
Pearson BTEC HND in Business
Awarded by
Pearson, UK
Stage 2
BSc(Hons) Business Management (Top-up)
Delivered by
Westford University College
Awarded by
Canterbury Christ Church University
If students do not possess the required qualifications upon entry they can first complete the Pearson BTEC HND in Business. Following successful completion of the Stage 1 Diploma, students can gain direct entry onto the Stage 2 Top-Up.
Students will be awarded with a full Bachelor's degree from the Canterbury Christ Church University upon completion of Stage 2.
Entry Requirements
To apply for this course, you need to possess the Pearson BTEC HND in Business qualification.
What You Receive
OTHM Level 7 Diploma
Course materials:
Access structured lecture notes, case studies and assessment materials through a state-of-the-art online Learning Platform (ELP).
A dedicated one-to-one tutor:
Receive comprehensive support throughout the course and supervision throughout the dissertation writing proces
Comprehensive e-library
Read recommended study texts and reference books.
Online webinars:
Receive both live and recorded lectures from subject experts.
Hong Kong Office
8th Floor, Tower B, New Mandarin Plaza
14 Science Museum Road
Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong
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Av. Praia Grande,
No.369, Keng Ou Commercial Building,
17th Fl., Macau.
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